A few days ago, I wrote that I would be posting a few messages about homework and grading. Part of my inspiration for doing this (besides my own questions about the merits of both practices) comes from interest in the work of Alfie Kohn, notably his 2007 book, "The Homework Myth."
So, for today, I bring attention to what Kohn entitles, "The 'Symbolic' Virtue of Homework." That is, despite the evidence that the practice of assigning homework doesn't ultimately lead to improved learning, teachers and parents have generally embraced its value based on the "virtue" of giving it. Or in other words, Kohn says, "The fact that kids are made to work harder, is in itself a sign of higher standards..."
In both my K-12 memories as a student, and as a current K-12 educator, I feel like the practice of homework has been, and is, excepted as a given - like its usefulness can, or won't, be questioned. Like questioning it might cause befuddled looks from fellow teachers and/or parents.
So, a proponent of homework might ask, "Aren't there some instances in which homework IS necessary? Don't kids need to do homework to reinforce academic skills like doing addition?" Or, "We should give homework because it teaches character and responsibility." Kohn addresses such statements in his book, and highlights a lot of research along the way, critically examining these beliefs for the practice of giving homework.
Next time I'll (attempt to) highlight some of the specific studies that Kohn uses to support his idea that homework really amounts to "too much of a bad thing."
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